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  1. M

    What's your daily schedule look like?

    @ready2change I feel horrible working out after a day of eating and doing things, so 🤷‍♂️. You get used to whatever schedule you pick.
  2. M

    A storm in a teacup

    @lineman Most of the content you see in online lifting spaces is from beginners because intermediate to advanced individuals don’t need to ask so many questions or worry themselves to death over minor details. It’s a sort of selection effect. I’d bet it has nothing to do with this being natural...
  3. M

    How can I afford meals?

    @americandeist Buy in bulk when possible. It’s a higher upfront cost but a cheaper cost per serving. Over time, you’ll save money and accumulate a bunch of a food. Things like the huge bag of rice, the big dry thing of beans, or the 60ct box of store-brand eggs. It’s even a little more cost...
  4. M

    Bicep tendon pain

    @eighty That’s basically what I did for mine. Focused on exercises that didn’t aggravate it and did super high-rep hammer curls with 5lbs to get blood flowing at the end of every session.