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  1. B

    [Meal plan + process pics inside] Breaking the plateau - attack my meal plan!

    @gracesophia11 The "need for carbs" is mostly in peoples head, this has been proven in the research. People can nocebo themselves. You believe carbs help performance so they can. I don't recommend HIIT, but if you train HIIT style some carbs could be useful. In general though, as long as you...
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    [Meal plan + process pics inside] Breaking the plateau - attack my meal plan!

    @gracesophia11 I would probably do something like: 11:30 pre-workout meal (40g of protein minimum) 12:00 workout 4pm post workout 7pm dinner All of your pre-workout food only adds up to 27g of protein and its not very good quality. Think eggs and egg whites + sauteed veggies and some...
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    [Meal plan + process pics inside] Breaking the plateau - attack my meal plan!

    @gracesophia11 As long as your pre workout meal has a full protein source and is at least 40g of protein I wouldn’t worry about timing as long as you have your pre workout and post workout meal within a 5-6 hour window. MPS is fully stimulated by your preworkout meal. Your preworkout meal is...
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    [Meal plan + process pics inside] Breaking the plateau - attack my meal plan!

    @gracesophia11 Honestly man you seem waaaay to into the weeds. I have been there. It seems like you made it really far on extreme protocols but those protocols aren’t what get you to “natural bodybuilding “ lean levels. If you don’t mind me asking. Who do you follow for information? From what...
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    [Meal plan + process pics inside] Breaking the plateau - attack my meal plan!

    @gracesophia11 Great job first of all! If you need to go lower In calories and want to avoid binges, higher...
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    Daily meal review

    @galatians220lyric As you start to feel some diet fatigue you could swap some items out for things that fill you up more (weigh more for less calories) 0% fat greek yogurt with strawberries (or some other berry) Cauliflower rice instead of brown rice The macros look fine, the diet isnt the...