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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate I’m not really sure what you mean by realistic strength goals, only you can determine that. If your primary goal is to get stronger, follow a reputable program that will help you. Go on strengthlevel and see what where your strength is currently at, and maybe see what you want to achieve...
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho I'd consider investing in a belt and following a program for any barbell work. gl!
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    Frustrated with barbell back squats

    @ortho Are you training with a coach now, do you wear a belt, do you brace, have you tried finding a proper stance width, do you do accessory work? There's a lot of factors that come into this.
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    New Year’s Resolution & 2024 Fitness Goals Megathread

    @nathan2018 I'm pretty happy with the gains I made in 2023. Feb 2023 - Jan 2024 Progress Squats - 30lbs → 225lbs Bench Press - 35lbs → 130lbs Deadlifts - 45lbs → 240lbs I surprised myself a few weeks ago with 10 pushups, didn't know I was capable of doing even 1. I think I can already...
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    I told a guy no on working in

    @johntf Imagine a grown ass man baby walking out of the gym after being told no. Yikers. Love to see it.
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    Ratings of Protein Powders

    @thentell I like Ghost Ghost x Cinnabon for protein pancakes coconut ice cream mixed with iced cold brew coffee ice cream mixed with iced cold brew apple cider donut blended with coffee and ice I love Oreos but hated their Oreo protein powder, if that’s worth anything! Isopure Dutch chocolate...