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  1. N

    How to keep motivated to workout daily when stuck in the 9-5 corporate cycle?

    @abnerpublishing I get up early in the day to get my exercise done, but I am also lucky to be working from home 4 days a week so if I struggle to wake in the morning, then I will go on my lunch break
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    Early morning gym goers, with family, how do you balance going to bed early with time for your partner?

    @dougnarg I have been an early gym person for more than a decade and I still go early in the morning, however, I have the ability to work from home 4 days a week so if I have started to go during my lunch break rather than every morning to allow some more sleep and also time with the kids in the...
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    new to the gym and looking for a good starting PPL split but have no idea

    @dave833 This looks very similar to how I train, however with legs I tend to have a hamstring biased day and a quad biased day. Also I have been training for 14 yrs so this sort of volume really works well for me
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    Working out last at night.

    @christdisciple It takes a pretty big adjustment time to get to it but once you circadian rhythms adjusts it’s pretty cruisy! Just means when you have a late night on a weekend you can sometimes still wake early and that can stuff you up for a day or 2
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    Working out last at night.

    @christdisciple You say you get up at 6am for work? I get up at 4am to hit the gym so it’s still possible. I am then in bed by 9:00 pm. This works well for me but may not work for you. This also enables me to be more consistent as I am not dragging myself to the gym after a long day