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  1. S

    7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

    @albatro55 Quality, but intensity moreso.
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    7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

    @albatro55 Yep, failure breaks the muscle down, builds that lactid acid, pumps blood into that muscle, and tells the muscle being worked "I COMMAND YOU TO GROW MOTHERFXXKER...GROW!" (shout-out to the legend CT Fletcher and Arnold)
  3. S

    7x5 Incline pushup twice a day

    @albatro55 YO, OP It's not just about doing a specific exercise, but HOW you do it. Incline Pushups 7x5 at a standard cadence hit ALOT different than Incline Pushups 7x5 done with 3 second lowering phase, 3 second isometric hold at bottom, then EXPLOSIVE pushing phase...this will turn you...