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  1. C

    Great video about bloating

    @eddycharles Oh that's that helps, I'll check it out. I miss onions so bad 😭 sweet, sticky caramelized onions.... Husband is banned from cooking them that way!
  2. C

    Great video about bloating

    @emily007 Haha yes!! After being on it for years I started to have issues because of too little fiber. I do think that it helped rebalance my gut flora but it sucked and made life incredibly stressful. I still can't eat onions and some other things but I'm mainly back on a healthy normal diet.
  3. C

    Great video about bloating

    @carneki Possibly but unlikely. Oh no I hope you're not saying that because you've had malaria!! It's the worst
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    Great video about bloating

    @pwl Yes pretty much. Basically what happened is that j went on the fodmap diet with pretty good but mixed resutks, moved to a place in the Pacific and started eating a lot of Japanese food which I do think helped. Then I got issues with not having enough fiber. It was very hard to mentally do...
  5. C

    Great video about bloating

    @dawn16 Yeah I had really bad IBS for years after getting malaria and giardia and had to go on the fodmap diet for years, so it's definitely some food issues with me. So hard to figure out :( and stress is also a bit factor.
  6. C

    Great video about bloating

    @pwl Me too. I am very farty. And now I'm eating lots of protein they are stinky and super embarrassing!! I had a massage yesterday and was very proud of myself for not farting for an hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  7. C

    Great video about bloating

    @fallia I know, I'm a biology professor and I just love the science!! Yay science!!
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    Great video about bloating

    @400596rd Please don't take this as confrontational. There is quite a lot of science that says that gluten intolerance is not a thing, so I've wondered if it's actually a wheat intolerance (because the two go together). Wondering what your thoughts are on this? I am not disputing that you could...
  9. C

    Great video about bloating

    @glanmaxy Yep!!
  10. C

    Great video about bloating

    @bevinluvwithjesus I recommend watching this video of hers where she discusses the scientific literature she's not perfect but certainly more knowledgeable than the vast majority of people. I have also researched this to death and she sums it up well, and I have a PhD in biology so am pretty...
  11. C

    Great video about bloating

    @joyelade Yes I am beginning to realize that the issue is that we naturally bloat (I mean, if you out food in your stomach it's going to be bigger!!) but all we see are images of fit women with flat stomachs. The only time we see images of women with stomachs that are not flat are women with...
  12. C

    Great video about bloating

    Hi everyone, I am sure a few of you have seen this already but this is a video by Natacha Océane about bloating. This happens to me every day and it was so refreshing to see. Bloating is something I really struggle with and I wish it didn't happen but to see that someone so fit and lean looks...