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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @thanksman That doesn’t sound accurate. Ferrous fumarate, gluconate and sulfate, which are the the most common iron salts in supplements, are prepared by dissolving iron in acid and adding the compound with the counter-ion. Heme iron supplements (or desiccated liver) are a specialty product and...
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @kaylakristinag Iron bisglycinate is actually a chelate (with a form of the amino acid glycine), so you might try switching over to an equivalent-dose bisglycinate chewable or tablet from your liquid. Any iron supplement can be constipating or not; it depends how much you’re taking—it’s the...
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @hollersnhills There’s absolutely nothing wrong with Floradix or the Gaia liquid, if they’re working for someone. I like the heme iron products myself, as an omnivore, but for mild-to-moderately iron-deficient vegetarians, I generally recommend iron carbonyl or iron bisglycinate—both of which...
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    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @hollersnhills Most liquid iron supplements are “gentle” because they have extremely low iron concentrations, like 10mg/10mL suggested serving for the Gaia product. Side effects are typically from unabsorbed iron, so if you never even approach absorption capacity, then no, no side effects. But...
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    I made a r/xxfitness Search Engine that indexes ALL posts and Q&A megathreads

    @samwan This is the best! Thank you so much.
  6. T

    PSA: Are you female? Are you a vegetarian? Is your performance suffering? CHECK YOUR FERRITIN!!!

    @dawn16 Oxalic acid isn't volatile. Cooking uncovered isn't going to change the concentration.