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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @chaorabite Great read thanks! The article recommends upping your caloric intake to a surplus of 500 calories - for a person of my height having and having a naturally lower BMR, is 500 too high?
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @chaorabite Hi! I should make it clear that I am no longer trying to lose weight and gain muscle, I am now focusing on gaining muscle, which is why I’m asking about eating at maintenance or surplus.
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @dawn16 Thank you so much this was incredibly helpful!!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @jenordinario Thank you so much for your insight!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @jenordinario This has honestly been another concern of mine - should I continue to lose body fat until it’s at a point where my muscles show, and then build from there? But I fear that doing that would make me thinner than I want to look
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @dawn16 For the first 4 months I was eating at 1200 calories per day. Alternated between a deficit and maintenance for several months due to some life events. And have been eating between 1300-1500 for the last 4 months. Eating at a deficit while lifting more has been alright for me. I don’t...
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @elijaht Thank you so much for the time you put into this comment, it was extremely helpful!!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @elijaht That’s a great idea! I will bring it up with my physiotherapist at my next appointment.
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @chosenbeforetime Thank you! I’m very flattered you say that as my arms/back/core are my self identified “problem areas”. I just finished Hanna Oberg’s Fit Guide 2.0 - I’ve really loved it as it lays things out very clearly and the app it comes with is super helpful for tracking progress. It’s...
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @hymnsong05 Do you have any sort of fitness tracker? For me, going to the gym was all great and stuff but I had no awareness of how many calories I was burning. Which made guessing my calorie intake for the day really stressful. I got a charge 2 and that has been immensely helpful in getting a...
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @hymnsong05 I wouldn’t worry to heavily about macros if weight loss is your primary goal, I would focus on calories instead which is much simpler to track!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @smashleigh17 Here is a link of my weight tracking through MFP. definitely not a linear path by any means!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @smashleigh17 Thank you so much!! I’m happy to help in any way I can. For cardio I usually integrate it into my workout twice: at the start and at the end. I really hate running for distance so I generally stick to the elliptical. I might do 15 minutes at the start of my workout to warm up - 5...
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    @jsmallman Can you recommend any online nutritionists/coaches? This is a thought that has crossed my mind but it’s a huge industry and I have no clue where to even begin!
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    Calorie and macro goals for building muscle and leaning out?

    Hello all, I’m a 5’1 lady weighing in at 121lbs. This past year I lost 31lbs simply by counting calories and being more active. For the last 10 or so months I’ve progressively fallen more in love with the gym and strength training in general. I’ve finally hit the target weight I set for myself a...