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    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    @marepagef omg!! thank you so much, this is so informative and makes me feel more secure about increasing my intake :')
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    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    @zekavica i always calculate it as "slightly active", since i don't lift heavy i fear i may overestimate my energy expenditure during workouts. Do you think i may be miscalculating? Thanks for the advice! i'll definitely try to increase my intake.
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    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    Hey ladies, so long story short i'm recovered from anorexia (i was 81lbs), joined the gym (i've been lifting for about 3 months now) and my goal is to have more definition on my abs and gain more muscle. The thing is, calculators say my TDEE is around 1660, but i've been eating this much and...