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  1. R

    What does n/a mean?

    @anna_a Not applicable.
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    Why is higher weight fewer reps better?

    @marsha445 It's better than the old day job, that's for sure. I find i have surprisingly little time to fit in my own training, but i never really get fed up of being at work (with the exception of the odd evening) when i'm working with clients. My partner and I run a fitness business which...
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    Why is higher weight fewer reps better?

    @hogmaw It's a nuanced question - or rather a question with a nuanced answer. The short answer is yes, you can build muscle in a calorie deficit. As a beginner you certainly can. The more experienced you are, the harder it becomes to do that. With regards to protein, it's essential for...
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    Why is higher weight fewer reps better?

    @drewman It's not "better". It's neither better or worse. It entirely depends on your goals, your preferences, and your current abilities. I'm a PT. Most of my new clients want the same general thing when they first approach me - a better body than they currently have. That's subjective, of...
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    Reasons/motivation to workout

    @sparklepaws23 Discipline eats motivation for breakfast. What even is motivation? Do you think it's going to just appear one day and from that day on you'll never miss a gym session again? It doesn't work like that, you'll be waiting forever. You need discipline, not motivation. Set your...
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    Am I doing too much? Too Little? More rest days needed?

    @pronobis Never mind a day, take a week off. It'll have next to zero effect on your gains (in fact it'll most likely be hugely beneficial). At the very least, take a deload week. This should be planned into your program every roughly 6-10 weeks anyway (though this will vary depending on the...
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    How can i increase my calorie intake?

    @teofan Well that doesn't add up at all. You're calculations are way off somewhere.
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    Is upwards of 3 hours in the gym too much?

    @bobmurray That's a ridiculous amount of time, no two ways about it.
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    Disappointed by little progress

    @fernandosn Are these sessions built around progressive overload? If not (and I suspect not, as most fitness classes aren't) then you're wasting your time. I mean sure, you'll burn some calories, but you're not moving in any particular direction if there is no element of progressive...
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    loosing belly fat?

    @jrminoh419 This is 100% a calorie issue. Simply put, you're eating too much. Now that's that's a tactless way of putting it, but it's the nuts and bolts of the issue. The only way to achieve what you're trying to achieve is by putting yourself in a calorie deficit - ie, eating fewer calories...