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  1. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @bovinity Thank you :) I am blown away by how thoughtful and well put together this response was. I'm saving all of them for reference and taking notes! I really can't tell you how much I appreciate it. :))))))) one love good sir
  2. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @angiasky89 Solid recommendations though, thank you
  3. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @tomythedreamer Thank you! I'm loving all the suggestions! Appreciate you writing out something in-depth
  4. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @angiasky89 Haha well thanks for that, everyone has things about themselves they'd like to improve - I guess after quitting smoking (only picked it up for a year, but Holy shit, I was in deep) and booze, I was like - what else can I do? In some ways I don't look bad for my age I guess (no...
  5. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @renatusfueritexaqua I'm going to Google this. Never even heard of them
  6. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @lyndon451 You know...I thought about picking some bells up awhile ago, maybe you just convinced me to add them into my routine. :) "dynamic" and multiple muscle systems is what I want
  7. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @_%D7%A1%D7%AA Yeah I haven't done any lifting for several years, 3 or more. I'm interested in the low-maintenance aspect of the bodyweight excersizes so maybe I'll spend a lot of time there first, and stretching 😉
  8. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @_%D7%A1%D7%AA Seriously so awesome. Thank you kind stranger 🙏
  9. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @jhunne Fair. I'll ask around. Been thinking about booking a couple sessions with a trainer anyway
  10. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @jhunne Thanks for this 💚 way thoughtful reply I'm a little hesitant on the deadlifting because I've got a rotator cuff injury. Maybe machine-assisted would be ok?
  11. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    @dawn16 You guys are amazing! I'm going to have to refer back to all of this info once I get started. Tomorrow is my first day back in the gym after a 3 year break, should be interesting..... and I wasn't super diligent or focused on it at all back then. Got a stretching/ home workout area...
  12. R

    F/38/5'6/120lbs - Total beginner looking for insight / perspective from more seasoned fitness nerds

    Hi there everyone! I've always been fairly healthy, good diet etc. but have recently decided I want to just generally turn my light up a few thousand watts. Like lots of people right now I had a tough couple years. I picked up smoking, quit. Finally got my alcoholism under control. Now I...