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  1. S

    2 years and little progress

    @fl269fl269 Thanks for the reply man. I started off at a skinny fat type of physique at maybe 145 lbs then I cut down to about 130lbs before starting a bulk and now I’m at about 155-157lbs and about 20%bf I would say. My lifts recently have been very stagnant tho and I feel like I need to cut at...
  2. S

    2 years and little progress

    @graciedog What’s the greatest tell that I’m not recovering? Soreness isn’t a big issue for me, sometimes I do get sore but even when I train very intense it’s rare but I think that may be because I’ve gotten accustomed to my routine
  3. S

    2 years and little progress

    @anonymous18 I would say Avg 7 hours a night sometimes more and rarely 6. I haven’t changed my routine in a while and I’ve never taken a Deload before. To make matters worse, I’m peaking at bulk now so I need to consider a cutting phase which hinders progress even more
  4. S

    2 years and little progress

    Over 2 years into training and poor progress Ok so I’ve been going to the gym for about 2 years now, I’m a 25 year old male. I’m really in love with the gym it takes up a lot of my time, but the sad part is that my progress really doesn’t reflect 2 years training. I do an 8 day split set up...