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  1. J

    I want bigger legs and I want your advice

    @fish3rofm3n It's not going to be easy but some things you could include are Single Leg Squats, Nordic Leg Curls (this should be one of your staples), Sissy Squats and Single Leg Back Extensions. Those will probably let you get the most out of only having bodyweight.
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    I‘m tired of not getting better at pull-ups

    @greg67 You might benefit from having a little more rest in between. Such as U,L,R,U,L,R,R. Also, what are you doing on Lower and Core day?
  3. J

    Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?

    @wishwish55 Have you tried using white noise to block out the sound? I use that and it helps me a lot.
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    HIIT workouts when cardio equipment isn’t available?

    @glossdot Do you have any hills in your area? Because Hill Sprints could also be a valid option.
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    How is it possible for a red-blooded human being to hold a plank for 8 HOURS?? Please enlighten me..

    @werby When you look at the peak of human performances, you are going to see some VERY weird/amazing things like this. 😂 But it's definitely not the norm at all.
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    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @arrowoftimemindreading Thank you for writing that! I love that experience! Making sure to avoid overtraining and avoid failure are two simple things that can break so many plateaus so easily! What I like about those tips is how simple they are. So cool that you experienced the same thing!
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    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @jabba1495 You're welcome!
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    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @confusedinchrist That makes sense since you were not going to failure and using frequency. That approach works too! Which is why one of the biggest parts of my advice to OP was to stay away from failure. It adds so much recovery cost for not much extra benefit.
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    Can’t wake up after a hard workout

    @robg If you continue to train like this, you will probably need more sleep. I would try to improve the amount of time AND the quality. Going to bed earlier, using amber lights before bed (instead of standard ones) and trying to get some sun on bareskin during the day to help set your circadian...
  10. J

    Thoughts on 1 Rep, 2 Rep, 3 Rep, 4 Rep,+ Progression?

    @mathew2sellers Good question. What is your goal? Is your goal strength? If so, this sort of pyramid probably isn't that great. When you think about it, only a few of the sets are actually difficult. For example, if your max is 10 Pushups, then only the sets that have 7,8,9,10 pushups etc are...
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    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @confusedinchrist By full effort, you mean going to failure in each set?
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @johm I think you have to factor in the intensity increase along with the frequency decrease. It’s not just lowering the volume. It’s increasing the intensity which means the load is still high, and then increasing the recovery until you can come back and beat it.
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    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @pawel Well, there's an easy way they can find out. Try it out and if those changes work, we know frequency was a problem! 🤣
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @mamabear777 Mainly the low frequency approach. But the problem is the studies done on low frequency don’t have an Accommodating Resistance High Intensity group to be studied. I hope one day, there will be though.
  15. J

    Straight arm day once per week?

    @mudmixer You're welcome! PPU = Planche Pushup in this case? If so, ditch the LFPU and use PPU instead! It's much better!
  16. J

    Straight arm day once per week?

    @mudmixer I'd definitely use the Arc Rows. You'll gain the Archer Rows for free AND progress towards your first Front Lever without having to add more work. That's great because recovery is limited. I'm so happy to hear you added the Mixed Grip Chin-Ups! Those are great! Combined with...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @betaninja I appreciate this a lot. Thank you! 😊
  18. J

    Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

    @pawel I can see what you mean. Three days a week doesn't sound that high. Maybe I can detail a little more. For some people, three times a week won't be that "high" of a frequency. If all you need to do is eat, sleep, train, and repeat, your "high frequency" will look a lot higher than...
  19. J

    Straight arm day once per week?

    @mudmixer Try using Bodyweight Arc Rows as your Row progression and Leaned Forward Pushups as your pushup progression. If you swap both of those in, then you'll be able to make gains on straight arm AND bent arm at the same time. :D