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  1. G

    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @dawn16 Thank you so much. I hope to make everyone proud and hopefully lead the way for the next generation of female soldiers to be even better than I could ever be.
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @dawn16 Every day I get a little more excited and additionally more anxious hahaha
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @livinginchrist Thank you for your advice! I admit that I haven't been doing much in the way of ab exercises except what's been mandated in the RASP workouts and that's mostly sit ups. I haven't really been training for the new ACFT but I'll be sure to try out the leg tuck exercise to see if...
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @dawn16 Last time I took a PT test was around June and I believe I was somewhere in the low 240s. So I'm sure by now I'm way above that. Regarding OCS since I had no prior service but I had a degree it was much easier and cost effective for me to commission instead of enlist and drop a packet...
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @meslit Thank you so much! I will absolutely try to watch how I'm eating in basic. I've heard that things can be a little difficult for vegetarians though so I'll probably be trading my meat for more vegetables. Hopefully that will help me a little. (;
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @childojesus Thank you so much!! Sometimes i sit at night and look at my ceiling and wonder wtf I got myself into, but it's started to turn into more excitement than anything else. I'll absolutely strive to be one of those non-tubby officers.
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @dawn16 Thank you!! Us badasses gotta keep on keepin' on. Hope you're smashing your goals as well!
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @willthad Shit. You're right. Brb gonna edit my face out of those. Thanks!! Edit: they should all be good now
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @afunme THANK YOU. I feel pretty cool sometimes. Good vibes to you!!!
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @eyob47 Hey thanks for the heads up. Really appreciate that you'd be looking out for a newbie like me. My degree is in athletic training so hopefully I can do some prep or other strengthening to avoid that now that I'm aware of it. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment.
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @benjamin94 Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience with me. I truly appreciate your advice and I will keep it in the back of my mind always. I hope that the option to postpone my commission will be open to me and I will certainly take it if I can. Is there anything else...
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @congtywebbtccorp Thank you so much! Some other commenters have also pointed that out to me as well! Here's to hoping I'll stay mostly healthy all the way through.
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @girlforgod90 Thank you! Being short has it's perks but damn, gaining even a small amount of weight really seems to show up way easier ):
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @orynider So happy I can be motivating to you! Six months is plenty of time, but it has truly flown by for me. Just keep taking steps every day and eventually you'll look back and realize how much progress you've made.
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @charlotte9014 Honestly I'm very lucky but since graduating college and moving home my parents have graciously offered to feed me and house me for free. I also am currently unemployed (before basic of course). So besides cleaning and doing housework and running errands to make things easier on...
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    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    @kenneth327 Definitely possible. But harder to spin fast and get into a tiny pike/tuck.
  17. G

    Progress Report (08/2018-01/2019): Getting fit for Army Basic Training

    History and Goals I am 23 years old, 5'1" (155cm). From the ages of 6-21 I was a competitive diver, even going so far as to compete in Division I in college. I eventually quit diving because I was burnt out and I had some pretty severe performance anxiety that caused me to gain a lot of weight...