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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @jennafrazier965 Oh my gosh I love that tracking works for you :) disordered eating is awful and painful and such a burden, but it's so great when you're able to find a balance and unlock a system that just works for you. Congrats :) But like I kind of touched on... Moving to a new country...
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @dawn16 I love it so far! But I just wanna make sure you understand I've only been on it for a week, haha. Not nearly long enough to measure results. That said I think it's a great program with fantastic resources :)
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @simon84 The Vega Sport recovery. It's kinda chalky, but I don't hate it :p
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @lostandconfused2 The bootcamp classes at my gym are just more structured for big groups, so we'll have a 5 min warm up, stretching, and then we'll rotate in small groups through 5-7 stations for like 60-90 seconds at a time, then we'll do something as a whole class (like sprints or tabatas or...
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @mev217 Good luck! You've got this :D
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @dawn16 Go you! Powering through it and just doing the damn thing is the hardest part sometimes but I really admire you for not quitting! Congrats on one year of a healthier lifestyle and best of luck on the all your goals for this year :)
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @jay2242 Thank you! I learned how to deadlift in high school (2006) and then I've incorporated it into my training since I got back from China (2012), but I've never like seriously focused on lifting until recently. I really like the fast pace stuff more than slow, progressive lifting, so I...
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @patrickjc Hahaha that's awesome! Hey again!
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @mss91z28 Yup! I definitely remember you :)
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @mss91z28 Oh wow, yeah, our stories definitely sound really similar. I'm so glad to hear it's been getting better for you. Also your username sounds really familiar - I feel like we may have chatted here on reddit before, haha
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    @aryas Bench: 135 Squat: 200 Deadlift: 265 Strict OH press: 95
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    X-post r/progresspics: 25/5'2"/170-125-130: fat to skinny fat to fit. 4 years

    A couple people suggested I cross posted this here, so I thought I'd share my journey. A few more details that weren't in the album: all through college I yoyo dieted and struggled with disordered eating mindsets and behaviors, specifically bulimic tendencies. I was never diagnosed, but I met...