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  1. J

    A Guide for Maximizing Hypertrophy with Calisthenics

    @raykay Wow this is just pure gold. Thank you for sharing and for all the thought and consideration that went into this post.
  2. J

    Will 50 pushups a day make a noticeable difference?

    @lucyt25 No, but doing 3 sets to failure (or when form starts to fail) will. It’s those last reps of the set where you see gains. So if you aren’t getting to that point where the reps are challenging then you aren’t stimulating much growth
  3. J

    Cheaper alternatives to B-bars?

    @tbuy I love them. I still use them daily for dips, rows, elevating the hands for pushups and pike pushups. I am super tall so even in an L sit pull-ups would be tricky but they are definitely sturdy enough for that, saw someone doing them on those exact bars in a YouTube review when I was about...
  4. J

    Cheaper alternatives to B-bars?

    @vivann I recently did a deep dive looking at various options. While the b bars are more stable, they’re costly and I have a small space. I went with parallel dip bars as they’re so easy to move/transport and I picked this model based on reviews, how much weight they hold, and that they go...