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    8:30 mile testing

    @oldgringo I think the general rule for running is to run at a faster pace (or more distance) than which you want to perform at... so if you ran do it at 7.5, the treadmill doesn't matter. This is also my pace nowadays
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    Review my Program?

    Feel free to skip the background if it is too much Background 40 y/o male 6'2", 225 lbs (highest weight I've ever been) and 25% body fat (according to the InBody machine) I've been athletic in the past mostly endurance/cardio stuff I've weight lifted in the past, but have only taken it...
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @thechristenedviking Fruitarians are crazy people. Putting that to the side, I apologize - you were correct re: the links in the original article. It's really unfortunate about that first study you're linking here. I pulled the text on SciHub, 13 subjects with BMI 33.6 +/- 1.3. Otherwise it...
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @gilcimarlp Nah, didn't say that. I can claim knowledge on my own fucking body though.
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @thechristenedviking I mean... when I wrote '60 grams of sucrose' I wasn't talking about mangoes. I'm talking about processed foods, sodas, white sugar laden junk food - that's why I mentioned "easily ingest". No one easily ingests 20 servings of fruit in a day. That link is not a study...
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    Easily get tired?

    @isabella728xx I want to make sure I interpreted that correctly - by the time you got to 26 years of age you started to get easily tired? Have you done blood work? Putting that to the side. I don't know what your athletic history is but from what you're saying I'm guessing you've never very...
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    @nelliebly This isn't the first time I've lifted consistently, but I've been back at it over the past 3 months and take it for sure more seriously than I did in my 20s. I've a back injury, I'm not doing barbell squats. I specifically asked for a program which worked for others, but putting...
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @werewolf Ahh, I see - that makes sense, thank you. I did keto for a short while (less than 3 months) and while I used a lot of butter, I think it would be hard to max out on it w/o carbs - at least for the way I cook. I guess if you're going hard on cheese and red meats maybe easier. I would...
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    hybrid functional strength programs? also... avoiding the big 4 nonsense

    I feel like some of the fitness subs are some combination of toxic or stupidly dogmatic when it comes to barbell squats, deadlifts, bench, and OHP as the solution to all strength and mobility issues. I bench, am working on single leg kb rdls, and do belt / goblet squat though to be clear. I see...
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    Podcast Summary: Why Dr. Mike Israetel Changed His Mind on Fat Loss Strategies, Fasting & Blood Sugar

    @adutmj Dr. Mike on point as usual, but I've a nitpick.. obviously overconsumption is bad and they stated as much. Spiking your blood sugar on a constant basis when you're not going to quickly use that energy is bad. That is how insulin resistance starts. Simple carbs are rocket fuel in terms of...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @jely Yup, I've made a spreadsheet already with my expected vs. actual weight, week over week, and the assumed deficit I'm running, so I can adjust that based off of what is actually happening and reassess how long it'll take me. I eat 4 times a day, do the slight majority of cooking in the...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @agoodmeasure I'm using this calculator in which I'm using Katch-McArdle algorithm for the calculation and assuming a 25% body fat. That estimate yields 3490 calories for maintenance under heavy exercise 6-7 days a week. I've also run the same thing with a more conservative exercise estimate to...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @dawn16 You have it backwards. They "pander" to the people who show up and pay. That's not pandering, that's knowing your customer. And for the exact reason you mentioned "not as ... egotistical". Not sure why you think they aren't as invested when they are literally paying for these services...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @catz If you look at the extremes of anything you're going to often find dudes. If men, the median male, took it more seriously than the median female, they would spend more, but they don't according to this post and it seems people's anecdotal evidence. So in fact it seems the median female...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    @jakson90 The last time I weighed 185 was after I completed a major cycle tour of France and Spain, we were burning like 7000-8000 calories a day, riding 80 miles every day with 50 lbs of gear, camping, and 10k feet of elevation daily. Lost 8 pounds in a week. My gf, now wife, said I looked like...
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    Program Review + Starting a Cut

    40M beginner 6'2" 225lbs Current Goals Drop 25 lbs of weight, goal weight is 200-205 lbs (assuming I can build some muscle) Assuming maintenance for me is between 3200-3500 cal/day Starting today to run a 500-750 cal deficit depending on the day. This is roughly 1.5 lbs / week (0.66% of my...
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    finally deadlifted w/o pain the next day

    @hilbrand Yeah! I'm a fan of Alex Bromley, his explanations of different programs have been very helpful. Saw he does them as well, forgot about it. Learned about it from Joe Rogan years and years ago but I never put them into action because I was deluding myself into thinking I needed to have a...
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    finally deadlifted w/o pain the next day

    @hilbrand Yes! I do them, it's a bit odd since i have to use random pieces of equipment to do them (I suppose I could use a bench). It's supposed to be every gym visit and funny enough I skipped them yesterday. Do you do them before or after deadlift? I just do 2 sets of 10. It is so simple I...
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    finally deadlifted w/o pain the next day

    @borisv I saw your post! Congrats on getting there! I'm a big dude and have been fairly athletic in my life, so I've some expectations of myself that I need to adjust. I hear you though. I'm not trying to ego lift, my goal is to not get hurt.
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    finally deadlifted w/o pain the next day

    @steve_yavli Thank you, yeah you're right, whatever the weight is, it is. Maybe the reason is I've looked up "strength standards" which note that a male beginner should be able to lift 1x body weight ( So "not much" by that standard. It...