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    None of my bulks (lean or dirty) ever seem to result in any muscle gain, and I honestly really don't know what I'm doing wrong at this point

    @daughteroftheonetrueking The issue is most likely that your training isn't up to par. Bulking doesn't inherently add any muscle. You have to have a solid program and execution in the gym to create the stimulus to grow muscle.
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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 Here's how I like to look at it:Imagine you're trying to raise your squat 8 rep max, but you're only allowed to do sets of 8-12 reps on squat. Are you going into the gym on week 1 and squatting an 8 rep max for your first set? Clearly no. Why? Your quads will be absolutely nuked and...
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    Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

    @gracer Right. It can also just be your anatomy and flexibility. Some people are limited by those factors and they put more load onto delicate structures because they're at the end range of their flexibility. I used to try to low bar squat with terrible shoulder flexibility so I had to really...
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    Advice ??

    @rufflychux That sounds perfectly reasonable. I think the reason most people do bodybuilding is to look better with their shirt off, not "having the most muscle possible." Congrats on the progress, keep it up.
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 Yeah, and just for health and performance, you don’t want to be fat. That seems like a reasonable approach, I wouldn’t worry that you’re not bulking enough.
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    Triceps tendonitis/tendopathy for over 1,5yrs

    @gracer This article is great advice. Personally, I've just found the best strategy is: Find out what exercise is causing the tendon to get inflamed/painful/injured. Stop doing that exercise or change the exercise so it doesn't cause any pain (switch from low bar squats to high bar for...
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    Loose skin makes it unclear how much bodyfat I have

    @neverbeenalone If you're metabolically healthy, you have a normal waist circumference, and you don't have any specific medium/short term goal of leanness, you can bulk. But, you could also keep losing weight. There's no reason you have to stop cutting at 77 kg. Long story short, just do...
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    Advice ??

    @rufflychux Just do whatever makes you happy. If you're really tired of losing weight, eat at maintenance. If you feel up for the challenge of losing a bit more weight, that's fine too. The thing about being a normal body weight is that as long as you're making positive changes, it does not...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 I think that you’re better off spending spending most of the year in an anabolic state where you’re gaining weight week to week. However, I also think that if you’re bulking for 4 months, 5 months, you may have become less sensitive to the anabolic muscle building signals of...
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    Natty Lifters w High Blood Pressure

    @yallow Barbell medicine has some great content on blood pressure that they've put out.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @amanda11 And, obviously, maybe you'd want to split up leg day between Monday and Friday if it's the most taxing for you. It's just an example.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @amanda11 No. Let's say it's MWF. M: Push and Legs. W: Legs and Pull. F: Pull and Push. or M: Push, pull, legs W: Push, pull, legs F: Push, pull, legs Just divide up the exercises you train in a sensible way.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @amanda11 Don’t do a “split.” Let’s say you do squats, leg extensions, calf raises, and RDLs for legs and you train MWF. Train each of those 2 days out of MWF. Either have three days with some “leg exercises” or two. Then, just do the same for every exercise you’re currently doing. It’s full...
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    Go from 225 - 275 bench 4 x 8

    @backnforth You're saying you want to go from a 1RM of 290-300 lbs to a 1RM of 355-366 lbs? That's a big increase. A bench 1RM of 366 lbs at 183-185 lbs is really fucking good. You might not be able to get that strong naturally, or it might take a lot of powerlifting specific training and...
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @namakula If we're talking about bodybuilding, I just don't think training your biceps, quads, lateral delts, chest, triceps, etc. once per week is going to be the best way to program. There are some people who would do well training hamstrings or quads once per week, definitely. But, if your...
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    Gaining weight on a caloric deficit. HELP!

    @activatedalmond You’re not losing weight and your question is, should I eat more to lose more weight? Just think about that on a basic logic level. Calculators aren’t always correct, it’s a rough estimate. Calorie counting is also an estimate, nobody does it perfectly. If your weight loss has...
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    Intermediate/Advanced Bulks

    @vakf It's one of those "between Scylla and Charybdis" situations. Bulk too fast, you have to stop bulking sooner and start dieting. Bulk too slowly, you might spend most of your time in maintenance or a deficit and gain less muscle because the statistical noise of weighing yourself exceeds...
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    Significant muscle loss after implementing low impact cardio

    @basabeo These are not remotely accurate. Their error range is 10% on either end, so it's effectively useless. Doing walking on the treadmill is not going to cause muscle loss. If you did lose muscle, it's for some other reason.
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    Anyone done PPL once a week with success?

    @myalhussaini Why though?