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  1. C

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @danielkibby I'm natty and have been lifting 7 years, not meaning to sound like an ass but you will get to the point where it's very obvious you lift and anyone who says something like that is only doing it to wind you up because they are jealous. I'm bigger than 99% of people I see day to day...
  2. C

    I only want big arms. Not literally, I still am working out other muscle groups, but I want the biggest bulkiest arms. How do I get them?

    @lizlugo51 I find biceps grow best under heavy weight. Maybe that's just me but I noticed a significant difference in size when training them heavy. Triceps, I train heavy bench and my triceps grew massively, then I add pull downs as heavy as possible for 10-12 reps. I will say that big arms...
  3. C

    People told me l’m doing junk volume. I’ve never seen such fast gains though

    @faetalesprincess Lol its not all muscle gains..... you are deluded