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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    @tovagulet Thank u for the answer...i know i will feel hungry in the first period surely and I am a glutton person (not english native, not sure about the word) so I tend to eat just for the sake of taste. Hope that more protein and controlled food intake will help with this.
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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    @drummer96 Thank you! I am there for the recipes ;)
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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    @sunee1 Thank you! I will try this approach :)
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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    @zaraki Thank you! I will try it, i live in europe and i am using yazio at the moment because it has a lot of the local food and recipe in the database, but I will try that nonetheless
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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    @emotionallydrainedout I suspected that! Do you think that 1391cal as my "maintain" goal is appropriate? I did 1400 cal for the last 3weeks and I lost...maybe...0.5kg but not really sure. I could try 1300 and see what happens. Thank you for the tip
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    Should I eat 1200cal or more...or less?

    Hi, I am currently trying to lose weight, I have calculated my daily intake for weight loss and I see very different results. I am 28f height148cm Weight 63kg body fat percentage (according to my mi fit watch and scale) 42% Height 1.61yd. Weight 138.8 pound I am sedentary (trying to fit...