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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @sakirasame I suggest you do some real medical research and talk to a real nutritionist. That’s all I can say really. I can’t make you understand or believe in medical science social media proves that. You keep saying that what you claim is the scientific medical consensus and it just is not...
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @sakirasame Your body converts everything to glucose as fuel or it flushes or stores it as fat. Glucose is what drives your muscles. It is what you burn with cardio. After 10 minutes of intense cardio you start converting fat to glucose. This is why running helps with dieting. The fact is you...
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @sakirasame Actually humans evolved eating mostly tubers nuts and berries. Occasionally meat. Tubers are and always have been carbs. Yes, grains are an issue if eaten in abundance. But carbs are needed for full nutrition. I know these Atkins Keto fads have taken over many people but actual...
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @sakirasame This is nutritionally bad advice. Your body needs clean carbs. Rice, pasta, potatoes. Nothing processed. Yes, reduce them a bit and increase protein but do not eliminate carbs all together. Telling people to forget about calories is pretty ridiculous because flying blind unaware of...
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @zindebaad Cardio is stamina. Resistance is strength. If you skip cardio you are not building stamina which is more important than strength. Do both. All the muscle in the world is meaningless if you run out of breath in a few seconds. Don’t listen to gym bro science.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @pilot81906 Exercise only helps slightly in losing weight. If you bust your butt on a treadmill for an hour you might burn 300 calories. That’s half a Big Mac. Exercise is to build strength and stamina. It gives you bit of leeway in your diet but what you eat when you eat it and how much is the key.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @adita Way too fast! Very unhealthy. Advice like this is why most of us fail.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @righteoustales And diet? You can easily out eat your cardio.
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @dojoloach If you are 30 years old (just for giggles) your ideal BMI range would be 152-205. The lower number is always ridiculous unless you want to look anorexic. I would suggest 200 pounds. You will find that the last 10 to 15 pounds will make the most difference in how you perceive yourself...
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    What’s the best way to lose a lot of weight

    @dojoloach Go to an online calorie intake chart and put in your age exercise level and weight. It will tell you how many calories you must eat to maintain your present weight. Now reduce that daily calorie total by 20%. You will lose about 2 pounds per week with moderate exercise. Cardio is...