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    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @marthomartho That’s fair! I absolutely lived for my 2hr workouts when I hated the apartment I shared with roommates and would rather be anywhere but home, but life situations and priorities change over time!
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    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @cec This took me until covid to figure out. I’m kind of a workaholic so pre-covid I wouldn’t head down to the office gym some nights til 7:30, and then I wouldn’t be done til 9/9:30 depending on the workout. Getting home at 10pm gave me no time with my husband and I was pretty selfishly putting...
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    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @elmerrm2007 My gym at work offers spin classes and about a year ago they had a sound meter thing installed that flashes yellow or turns red if the music is too loud. Red means the instructor has to get up and lower it. It was annoying at first because I want my one 45 min class a week to be...