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  1. S

    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @dawn16 I think the literal definition is about underperforming to gain an advantage, but what I meant is to give something less than your all (e.g., give your workout 80% even if you could do more). In other words, you purposefully let yourself off the hook of going hard so that you're more...
  2. S

    What's something you wish you started doing sooner/knew earlier in your fitness journey?

    @colwyn Nothing new, but consistency is more important than perfection. Oh, you don't have the right sports bra or shoes? Well, modify your workout or make do. Your sleep wasn't great? It's okay to still go to the gym and take it easy. But still go and move. Honestly, I give myself permission...
  3. S

    What’s in your water bottle at the gym?

    @kmman For longer workouts (75+ minutes), I use Liquid IV. It's just water for everything else.