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  1. R

    How do I get a physique like this?

    What's great about isometrics like this is that they build a ton of stability in your core and teaches your body to maintain a type of "core brace" all the time. There's enough additional movement and focus on other related (yet under worked) muscle groups that you're really building a ton of...
  2. R

    How do I get a physique like this?

    10 Minute Core Burn (all moves in 30 second intervals) 2 Rounds Plank Pike Plank Sudo Planche Pushups Left Copenhagen Plank Right Copenhagen Plank Spiderman Plank Up/Down Plank Dragon Flag Left Copenhagen Plank Right Copenhagen Plank
  3. R

    How do I get a physique like this?

    @cici1234 My ab definition didn't start really showing till I started doing isometric body weight exercises. I have a daily core routine that has been a game changer. it's only 10 minutes (but it's not simple). I'll thread the exercise.