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  1. S

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @hcwewvcw02 I think any stepping stone is better than none, yeah. If you do anything with the 32 with good form on a consistent basis it will make you stronger. But at the end of the day, it does feel a bit like asking "how can I take my 5k time from 40 minutes to 25 minutes" - it's just a...
  2. S

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @jvk1214 Sure, I can see what you mean. I guess I'm just a bit conservative in my approach as it's been a gradual improvement for me, and it's been pretty apparent when I've tried to push it too far and too fast that that's what has lead to injury. But hey, everyone's body is different!
  3. S

    I want to strict press 32kg

    @hcwewvcw02 It took me a while to go from strict pressing 24s to push-pressing 32kg. Going from 20 to 32 is not that far off from going from 24 to 40 - with the best will in the world, it just wouldn't be possible (at least for my body). The difference is just too great. Appreciate it's not...