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  1. B

    Is this a good workout?

    @sarahsalt09 I’ve been training for 2 years, started when I was 13 but my workouts were put together by myself with no knowledge so about a year and a half of that was just half assed workouts that weren’t effective.
  2. B

    Is this a good workout?

    @sarahsalt09 Thanks I’ll definitely check it out! here’s with sets and reps, I don’t have too many weights so high weight and low reps isn’t something I can really do. I wanted to combine weight lifting and calisthenics so I can learn new skills like front lever, handstand, etc.
  3. B

    Is this a good workout?

    I haven’t made a legs/lower yet but is the upper body ones good? I was told to follow a workout in the r/fitness wiki but I like this one so I wanna know if it’s good.