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  1. E

    Rhonda Rousey: her weigh-in weight vs her fight weight - a visual (x-post r/pics)

    @fishbowl3 But when she gets to the fight she is not a few bf% higher, right? There is very little time between the two pictures - the difference is water weight primarily.
  2. E

    Program Reviews of 2 Different 30-Day Ab Challenges

    @iconforhire Preach!!! I wish spot reduction was a thing, it took me years to find out it wasn’t!
  3. E

    Program Reviews of 2 Different 30-Day Ab Challenges

    @iconforhire Apologies if I’m telling you something you already know, but you can’t spot burn fat - doing core exercises won’t burn fat in your core. However, spot exercises can build the targeted muscle so you will see your abs bulk up and get more muscular, which will likely make them more...