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    Box Owner Question

    @sharzid Fantastic I’ll check it out thanks!
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    Box Owner Question

    @sharzid That’s awesome! More trying to get a balance of if this is something that can be done as a career in the future. Wanted to know how other parts of the world operate their staff vs how we do in my area.
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    Box Owner Question

    @heretoday That’s my thoughts on it as well
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    Box Owner Question

    @chickenlittle Awesome description thanks for the info, if you don’t mind me asking what state are you out of?
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    Box Owner Question

    @bethstacy I agree as well
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    Box Owner Question

    @goodolchristiangal Love this thought process, that is great.
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    Box Owner Question

    @lealyn That’s why I inquired what the standard practice is in other areas. We just get a “free” membership. I wanted some data to maybe present to our owners as a common practice how people compensate their staffs so I have solid idea prior to talking to them.
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    Box Owner Question

    @rawrdinorawr Good call, not much of an “opportunity”. So essentially your working for way less than $20/hr once your membership is paid!
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    Box Owner Question

    @growinginhim09 Thanks, that’s great!
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    Box Owner Question

    @kezi That’s great super good way to incentivize continued education, I like that idea
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    Box Owner Question

    @farmerdex That’s fantastic, way to change the structure when you opened a box
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    Box Owner Question

    Real question for all the box owners. A) If you don’t pay your staff of coaches do think a free membership is sufficient payment for working for you. B) If you pay your staff whats the going hourly rate you pay them. C) If you don’t pay a “salary” why? A little context for years all the...
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    How do you know when not to do a second crossfit workout in the same day?

    @truthnotfiction A. Are you a paid and or sponsored athlete? If not A then you can chill out and do 1 workout a day and maybe sneak in mobility work instead of 2 CrossFit workouts a day