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  1. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @presencia Greek. Yogurt. I miss it SO much. I wish I could find it. That and almond milk. Pretty much nonexistent here. I can't even get real peanut butter. I had to get some in Cambodia, and I'm almost out. People here are obsessed with Amway, and I think I saw some whey protein in their...
  2. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @matt4 You know what is really annoying about this place? Nuts. It is one of the hardest things to find nuts that aren't cooked in oil and slathered in salt. Even imported nuts are the same, or even worse, coated in sugar coating or wasabi. I have found one type of cashew that reads: "97%...
  3. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @mistressjosie Naw, I don't really track everything because some stuff don't have calories on it (like the vegetarian meats) or I really don't know how I would calculate random food items I'd get at a cafe or vendor. Like when I pick up a vegetarian banh mi from a vendor, I have no idea what...
  4. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @dawn16 Avocados just are now coming into season. Had my first taste the other day. Not as good and creamy as Haas, but it'll have to do. Luckily, all the other ingredients for guac are easy to come by here. Hmm. Maybe I'll start a guac diet. Delicious..
  5. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @carleannah My TDEE, according to some random calculator, is 1987. That seems a little high, but I did say I'm moderately active which I think is true. I go to the gym almost daily, I bicycle often to work, I walk around a lot, I'm on my feet a lot (cooking, cleaning, etc.). I guess it just...
  6. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @shahbaz Oh my gosh, I have had the salt thing happen. I used to never like salt on anything, but as I've gotten older, suddenly SAAAAAAAAAALT. I rarely will use it now in my own cooking, but so help me jeebus if I accompany my boyfriend to KFC and he's got some fries.. What do you think caused...
  7. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @daneenkareem I'm going to find protein powder. It has to be here, somewhere. I think my landlord sells Amway on the side, so I'll ask to look at a catalog. Wish I could do eggs, but I can't. :( They make me feel sick. Luckily, tofu is stupid cheap here, as well as vegetarian meat (their own...
  8. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @brevis Ooh, thanks for that calculation. I would agree with you, and a couple others, who say it's probably not enough calories. It just felt like a lot of food, but I guess I need a lot more veggies and nuts to make a better calorie goal.
  9. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    @lilchan92 Yes, I think I got one last time I came to Asia, actually. D: I'm fairly certain I don't right now, though. I think my bowel habits have changed considerably, as I am not eating some of the things I would have been eating at home, like Morningstar, hearty soups (lentils included)...
  10. R

    Crazy hungry and not sure what to do! Wall o' text to try to describe my problem

    Okay, not pregnant, I know that. This has been going on for a few months, and I have taken pregnancy tests, so I know that's out of the question. But I don't know what the hell is up with me. I am having problems with satiety. I feel hungry, a lot, and even after I eat a satisfying meal, it's...