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  1. D

    Weight loss and training regime with asthma

    @agueli You assume wrong, I'm not American. Just because your country has poor food standards doesn't mean the rest of the world does.
  2. D

    Weight loss and training regime with asthma

    @agueli Equating calorie surplus/deficit with homeopathy... Hilarious. Can you provide a citation for your claim that the numbers are "mostly made up" or is this just anecdotal?
  3. D

    Weight loss and training regime with asthma

    @agueli So how do millions of people all over the world manage to gain or lose weight using this method then? Pure chance?
  4. D

    Weight loss and training regime with asthma

    @agueli Counting calories isn't useless. If you know what your maintenance calories are, and then lower them slightly to go into a deficit, you have to lose body fat. It's thermodynamics, if you eat less than you burn your body will metabolise fat to make up the shortfall. You might not lose...