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  1. M

    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @kaytiedid My sedentary TDEE is 1550 and I’ve been working out so I doubt it’s actual weight. Especially bc I maintained at this amount for the past 2 years with no exercise. Also the weight gain happened immediately after I started working out and just hasn’t gone away it didn’t happen slowly...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @susanedgar37 How much protein should I be eating? I thought the recommendation was 1 gram per kilogram if that’s the case I’m eating more than enough
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @rajasingh I’ve been eating around 1500 for the past two years and staying at 107 (without exercising) and in the past two years there’s definitely been times I’ve overate past that but I’ve been consistent with 1500 and that’s what the calculators say for sedentary TDEE. And I weigh myself...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @twinmama I’m definitely getting a lot stronger and pretty quickly. Why 100 grams? I thought it’s 1 gram per kilogram of body weight so 75 if more than enough?
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @klara6 Thanks for the insights! I’m trying to work on my diet and the mental aspect of it I don’t know why it’s so scary haha but I’m definitely going to try harder
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @klara6 I’m kind of afraid to eat more bc I don’t want to end up fat again ya know, I’m trying to get over that though. And yes Im able to lift heavier every week and I make sure to push myself to within failure or to failure
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @ronit I feel like some days out of the week I’m pretty sedentary but at least 4 days out of the week I walk around 5 miles a day a day outside of lifting. I also do the same workouts every single week. I have two dedicated lower body days and one dedicated upper body day. I increase my weight...
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    Does body recomposition actually work?

    @kagenonikki It’s 100% correct. I track every meal and snack and I weigh out my meals with a good scale. The only time I estimate is at resteraunts and usually they have nutrition facts or i guesstimate but always on the higher end. I also don’t eat out that often (like 2 or 3 times a month)
  9. M

    Does body recomposition actually work?

    I’ve been consistently working out since August (2-3x a week) following a lifting program. I also walk around 3-5 miles a day. I’ve been eating at maintenance (a few days over a few under to balance if I need to but generally around 1500) and eating around 75 g of protein. My lifts have been...