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  1. C

    Challenge for y’all

    Healthy breakfast you can eat in the car. I have a long commute and leave early and would like a breakfast I can pre make the night before that’s not over night oats. Any takers?
  2. C

    Working out last at night.

    @neysonclark79 I’ll try it but I’m not that much of a morning person. I can see how its ideal though
  3. C

    Working out last at night.

    @theblessed_one I’ll try it and report back.
  4. C

    Working out last at night.

    Anyone else here have to workout at 9pm? After I get home from work and hang with kids, eat dinner, do bath time and everyone to bed it’s usually ~8 or 9. And no getting up earlier to work out isn’t an option I’m already up at 6 to leave for work. What do y’all do to stay motivated that late...