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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @cubicist I ended up eating 1200 the day after and until today just ate 2000 calories. Just continued where I left off tbh I couldn’t even attempt anything below 1500 way to hard for me anyway
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @aeradom Aware of eating disorders and honestly no probably not. I don’t regret eating like this and after July ima be eating normally again
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    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @yana2 Yeah it’s a slow burn no pun intended but you will eventually notice change without even mentally noticing you’re cutting. Best of luck. I remember last year my absolute shredded look came in September right after the summer ended 😂 the difference between July and September I remember was...
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @christianmom21 Why’s that?
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @vloggle Thank you that’s what I’m thinking as well. After July I won’t be thinking like this but since we’re only a month away need to go back on my plan asap haha
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @vloggle I’ve had over 250 grams of fat today 😂 but yeah I mean like tomorrow if I decide to eat at 800 calories then that means it made todays 5k calories go down to a whopping 2900 calories which means it only put me 800 calories over TDEE instead but do it once more than It made today...
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    @greenvalley Yeah but I heard it’s nothing crazy for example a 5k day calorie intake burns about 300-400 in thermic effect. Which is a lot of course but in the grand scheme of things we have still go the fasting route 😭but it’s nice to know and consider for sure on the thermic effect
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    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @kvolm I agree they should be short as possible but mentally it’s draining to be on an aggressive cut that would take me to the body fat I want in a short amount of time. I decided to make it a slow deficit which allows me to be sane for the most part. With sanity comes consequences and that’s...
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    Is it dumb to offset calories the next day?

    I just had 5k total calories for Memorial Day. I don’t regret it I really enjoyed my day and got to splurge eat with friends and family. However, I’m still trying to get shredded this summer and I’m at 12 percent trying to get down to 8. Safe to say today set me back quite a few. Wondering if I...
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    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    @sisi I guess each their own and everyone’s goals are different. I spent my years from 16 years old to 23 years old bulking with no cut. I have went from 140 lbs to 240 lbs and became fat sure but those were my golden years of muscle building. These couple of years I have finally cut down to...
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    How long does everyone stay on a calorie deficit

    I’m currently 4 months on a calorie deficit and planning on going into my 5th month where I will stop the calorie deficit and go on maintenance for July and August before my bulk September Calorie deficit trying to be 500 calorie deficit with margin error of +/-200 calories some days Went from...