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  1. J

    How my gym views women

    @debyfabienne Oh my. At my old gym there was a poster of a woman benching quite some weight, at first I was "oh cool", then I read the text "if she can do it, so can you"...
  2. J

    How can I help my parents?

    @wowgirl2013 My dad is diabetic too, and for YEARS he would eat like he wasn't! My mom is really bad with this as well and she has multiple diseases, many of which could be help with a little bit of exercise and healthy eating. My dad has been eating cake, drinking soda, eating really fat...
  3. J

    Great video about bloating

    @lilyjolene Bloating is a natural response and completely normal, as the other commenter is mentioning. I don't believe there's anyway to completely avoid it, but there's definitely ways to not make it worse (what @firms12 is writing). If your bloating is so bad and constant, that it actually...