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  1. M

    Hot take: ladies, is dating getting difficult after doing CrossFit?

    @royblizzard I think the whole "muscular women look like men", "i don't want to get too muscular, just toned" BS is still fairly prevalent in the general public. You may be "stuck" looking for someone who either does some form of fitness themselves or at least appreciates strength.
  2. M

    CrossFit Movement Survey Results

    @labryan Then we'll have to disagree here. Unless you do the muscle ups completely strict, they are nothing like getting over a wall, where you can push with your feet and cannot swing under the bar. Don't get me wrong, if you can do a bar muscle up, you can certainly get up onto a say 3m...
  3. M

    CrossFit Movement Survey Results

    @labryan Yeah, no. That is a) not the most efficient way to get over a wall. For short walls, actually jumping onto the wall is faster, for higher walls, pull-up and roll is way faster and easier on your arms. b) on a wall, you cannot kip. c) you can use your feet to push off the wall or fence...