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    Why is my squat better than my deadlift?

    @farmerdex Yes. Learning to try hard is a skill in itself, and some people find it especially difficult to generate intensity in the deadlift because you aren't feeling the weight on your body before you begin. The next time you approach a bar that seems heavy, I would experiment with getting...
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    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    @bkrolex This is more niche, but for the snatch, the one truly transformative cue for me was to stay over the bar as long as humanly possible. Almost entirely fixed my struggles to drop under the bar. If I focus on that + hitting full extension, most of the other stuff works itself out well enough.
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    F23, 5’5, 69kg / 150lbs, 38% body fat. training for 1 year. seeking advice on what to do next

    @kateetak One year into training, with your body composition, I suspect you would be able to continue making gains at around maintenance calories for quite some time. It sounds like you're interested in being not necessarily smaller but maybe a little leaner while continuing to build muscle, so...
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    Sumo DL Check - 110lb - 3 x 5

    @brokenjohninchrist Yeah, sort of. You want your hips and shoulders to be rising at the same rate as you come off the ground, keeping the bar close in to your body by engaging your lats. Then when you get past the knees, you can squeeze your glutes to finish out the lift.
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    Sumo DL Check - 110lb - 3 x 5

    @brokenjohninchrist Based on the slow bar speed here, I would say these reps seem fairly heavy for you. You are not likely to feel much of a burn while lifting heavy weights with big muscles for low reps, so that's very normal. Your muscles are being activated, though; otherwise the weight...
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    2024 Strength Goals - 2nd year lifting

    @naate Obviously everyone's different (athletic background! genetics! leverages!) but as someone around the same size as you, my maxes two years in were: Squat: 195 lbs. Obviously you are almost there already, so you probably have a lot more potential! (It took me a pretty long time to sort out...
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    Sheffield Powerlifting Preview and Discussion Thread

    @nathan2018 squatting a few kilos less than my entire total, outrageous (and at that depth and speed!)