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  1. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @macnedie If they have done trial and error and consider it optimal for their goal, more power to them!
  2. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @macnedie That’s a hell of a unit of measurement, lol. I used to eat more, seems to work for me at about 300/day now.
  3. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @tom9831 Most of the time I get 45g-50g from shakes. Yes. My protein makeup of the day is typically 7 eggs, 2 whole, 5 white. A protein cookie/bar or Greek yogurt. Chicken breast or thigh stir fry for the next couple meals. A shake. Then ground beef or fish for dinner. Then a shake at night.
  4. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @tom9831 Depends on the goal really. Presently full upper, full lower, off, chest/back, glute/ham, shoulder/arms, off Kinda Layne Norton PHAT Style Protein is 300g a day, 350c, 70f
  5. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @noodlesnoodlesnoodles Everyone is different. However, I have yet to meet an athlete who has to go below 2k from their off season high when accounting for step count, training volume, rest, plenty of water, and progressive overload. My off season macros were 5k / day, so 3200 is a strong...
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @thunderbolt1990 Appreciate the vote or confidence. 🙏
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @thunderbolt1990 Ig is @genuinefitnesstraining all my info is in there!
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @thunderbolt1990 Must not be too familiar. I run the only INBF Event in Oregon and I am also now the promoter of the INBF/WNBF WA State Puget Sound Pro/AM. I got my pro card in 2016 at the NW Royal and competed as a pro in 2021 against Eddie Saldana. I have competed in the OCB and NPC and NPC...
  9. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @rudolphcarlson Absolutely. Train back and leg days like an animal, hold on to your strength, drink plenty of water, hit 10k steps a day, and get adequate rest. Don’t drink alcohol and track your food/scale weight.
  10. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @emptymailbag Thanks
  11. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @emptymailbag This was last contest season at about 7 weeks out from my pro debut
  12. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @kimmyk401 Maybe throw some hip thrusts in as an additional compound movement or even replacement on a squat day? Extension at the hip seems to suffer as we age and move into a more posterior pelvic position.
  13. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @kimmyk401 Semper Fi, Marine. Well done at your young age, I actually want to be like YOU! Any of my over 60 bodybuilding clients I have the utmost respect for, longevity is the name of the game! At your age I recommend really watching your macro balance and what works for you for...
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @teach87 Closest thing I got for 221
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    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @tikvahshua Thanks!
  16. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @5061756c Thanks for the response. Looking back at when I started and only having access to Natural Bodybuilding Magazine to understand what was possible, there were physiques like Shevon Cunningham, Jim Cordova, and Phillip Ricardo Jr that made me skeptical as well. I also wanted to believe and...
  17. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @msgtcjl Long story. In 2014 I competed at an NPC Natural event just to get beat in the overall by a guy on DNP. I decided to compete at a truly drug tested show thereafter in the NANBF, where I also unfortunately got beat by a guy who passed the poly but popped on a UA. It really took some...
  18. I

    Mini cut complete, 221 -> 201 Lbs in 15 weeks

    @aileen789 Much appreciated!