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  1. Z

    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @finallytrulyalive I’m 26. So really I’d still like to be putting on muscle. But I also want to be fit and have an engine. Tbh I’m mainly doing CrossFit for the social side. I could go hop on a programme and work. But it’s quite lonely lol
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @firefighter My oly lifts are okay coz I’ve done them for quite a while now. I guess maybe I haven’t done it for long enough but I’ve spoken to friends who play rugby and do all the S&C like me and they say it can feel like it isn’t enough sometimes too
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @angelicnessa Oh no where near that. Maybe 100 clean and 75 snatch. Got a ways to go with them but still fairly new to it and loving that stuff. And yeah, 18 year old me loved a bench press a little too much…
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @boywonder23k Interesting. Nice numbers! Good to hear you haven’t lost strength. I liked the strength stuff but I was getting bored of it and also nice to compete with others. Also don’t want a sloppy rig which I was getting 😂😂
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @boywonder23k 190 squat, 140 bench and no idea about deadlift lol. Those are in kilos so apologies if you’re US.
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @boywonder23k Ah interesting. I’m a centre so need to be explosive but engine too. Just don’t want to lose size and strength too much haha
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @tennesseegirl1993 Oh wow! Congrats on the 5%. I guess what I’m really saying is I’m afraid I’ll lose my strength. I want to keep the numbers I’ve got on squat and deads etc, but I want to build the engine. I’m a bit afraid if I follow the program I’ll end up small (and that’s not good for rugby...
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @tennesseegirl1993 It’s usually some sort of Olympic lift or squat to start with. Then some skills work (gymnastics, DU’s, things like that) then a metcon of some sort. Depends on the day though. Sometimes it’s a long wod. Sometimes it’s oly focused
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @jcano What do you mean?
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @jcano Tbh I’ve only done it for 2 weeks so I don’t know yet
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @jwdoctrine Trust me, the uk is just as bad. It’s a mess
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @jwdoctrine Yeah. I’m trying to figure out what works coz I travel a fair bit too. Not sure how long I’ll be living where I am (quite like to move to the US or Australia end of year too). I’ll figure it out lol
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @jwdoctrine Good shout. Just gets expensive 😂😂
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @beckywarner Guess that’s probably what I’m feeling. I’m used to bodybuilding/powerlifting/rugby S&C style training. Feels like very low volume
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @viridiana Fair fair. Well guess I’ll do this for a few months to get fitter then jump on a program
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    @pj1070 I do have an open gym it’s just very rammed. It also gets massively expensive to do both lol. But I agree that’s the best way to do it!
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    Not finding the classes provide enough volume

    Hey guys. I’m fairly new to CrossFit. I’m used to training 4-5 times a week. Mainly strength and conditioning work. Kinda picked up crossfit so I wasn’t doing it on my own. I’ve picked up CrossFit and I’m enjoying it. But I’m finding the hour class isn’t enough. Normally I’d do an entire S&C...