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  1. S

    Rear delt flyes needed for rear delts or pulls and rows enough?

    @setst777 Some guys can really pull with their rear delts along with their upper back some don't. I think you know which camp you're in. Having 6 to 9 sets of isolation work for the rear delts is probably the least likely thing to cause you too much fatique. They are so low fatique that doing...
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    professional advice on Weighted abs in relation to waist

    @irish007 If you don't do core exercises where the obliques are the limiting factor you'll be fine. A silly equivalent would be: "man I hope my chest doesn't get too big because I'm overhead pressing a lot"
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @mecajunboy It's funny then that my chest started growing again when I upped the volume to around 20 a week🤔 Of course I can't run 20 sets a week for every muscle group simutaniously or the same one forever. It's a focus period on chest. I would run myself into the ground if I kept it up too...
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @mecajunboy Frequency is a way to fit more quality volume in to a training period it matters in that context. I can't do 20 quality sets of chest in a week if I train chest once every 7 days, I absolutely can if I split it up into two or even three sessions. Over a month or bigger timeframe...
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @christianwriter87 I have no idea since I know nothing about how much volume your doing, what the intensity of your training is like and what your exercise selection looks like. If you want any opinions on anything I would need more insight. Frequency is important but it's not everything and it...
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    M/19/190cm [66kg to 73kg] (4.5 years)

    @christianwriter87 You haven't done any stretch of training where you train every muscle at least twice a week and only less than year of training every muscle twice in 10 days. What were you expecting to happen? Do full body 3xweek or upper/lower 4x a week. Frequency is important. You included...
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    Bison Bulk Routine

    @aybige alright I'm too curious why is limiting yourself to three exercises one chest, one shoulder and one tricep and then waiting 3 full days before you hit them again a good idea? I mean it isn't at all but please still explain where you got that from
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    Bison Bulk Routine

    @aybige It would be a waste of my time to start unpacking all of the stuff I'd program differently when you're worried about 20 year old fitness myths like the waist thickening if you do backsquats. I have actual work to do today. In short I'd say you picked the exercises you wanted and then...
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    Bison Bulk Routine

    @aybige This is terrible top to bottom well done. Also it's quite hilarious to call something the "bison bulk" then turn around and say let's keep the glutes small though. Being afraid of the waist thickening because of doing heavier freeweight work for the legs is fucking stupid. Doing only...
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    What do you think about my Upper Body routines?

    @dawn16 All three In a single week feels excessive to me too but I think the extra variety is both fun and useful if OP extends the split to 8 or 9 days. Or he could make workout C a full on isolation bro/weak point day just having some fun doing arms, forearms and shoulder isolation + whatever...
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    Is this overkill?

    @mommajulesberry Yup him doing this much volume with less than 2 years of experience should be destroying him completely. All the 3x10s and 4×12s instead of rep ranges and double progressions are also a telltale sign that failure is too far away, the weight is too light or the rep quality is...
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation No problem! Good job, glad you figured it out with a little help!
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation You can see it in the video. The longer the set goes the more your upper back is rounding. If using narrower hand position doesn't work you could even look up instead of forward because the back might naturally follow what the head and neck are doing.
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    High bar squat more fatiguing to spinal erectors than low bar squat

    @horation You are failing to keep your upper back tight on high bar compared to low bar which is leading you having to compensate more with the lower back. I'd try a having a narrower hand position. My hands almost touch my shoulders when I do squats. Great for keeping the upper back tight if...