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  1. L

    Can you make good gains with like 6-7 hours of sleep as a beginner?

    @wishwish55 As a beginner anyone can make good gains to be honest, your body just respond very well at that stage. Will it be as good as if you got proper sleep, nutrition, optimal routine, but you will still see a difference. It will just get hard when you're past that stage, because...
  2. L

    Am I too Old for gains? Muscle and Strength?

    @lucaannibale You're not too old. It's just a bit harder and you probably need to eat more. Creatine is a great idea. Protein, I assume he means supplementing it, which if you find it hard to get enough, yes. Not necessary though as you can just eat higher protein foods if you prefer. I like...
  3. L

    How many pullups are enough in a workout

    @houstonreborn It really depends on how difficult it feels for you, 3 sets of 2 might be super hard in which case 2 is great in a set because you are pushing yourself and will develop. For someone else that could be easy so maybe they do 3 x 10. It really depends on you. As long as you are...