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  1. C

    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @qularterly I could’ve sworn keeping your shoulders depressed during a pull-up is correct form? Or do you mean like engaging scapula?
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @anthonyosa Yeah for sure. Granted it was when he was younger and a lot younger so I do not hold it against him in any way but he said the triceps are 2 muscles which is obvs wrong. The point is that his videos aren’t as technical as most other competitors have it. Like Calimove, FFAQ’s Tom...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @anthonyosa Yeah this for sure. He seems like someone that doesn’t always have his training on point in terms of science and whatever but he still manages to get shit done. I think that people buy his stuff because he is an example of a well known physically big calisthenics youtuber. Even...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @joshuawithmartin There are more better people than just Daniel
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @jely I love Dominik, kinda like the guy that does it all regarding bodyweight and does essential weight exercises too. He produces great content and a lot of those ‘why didn’t I think to that videos’. It’s a shame he doesn’t get a lot of recognition he deserves proportional to what I think his...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @johm It’s not necessarily what the bulk of evidence says. The point was that you can’t build muscle without a caloric surplus and I know that I’m living proof of the contrary so imo thats good enough for me.
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @johm Uhh I’d agree to disagree. He seems like a pretty honest guy that doesn’t really have any reason to lie. He has the background to justify his claims and actually makes a lot of sense when you listen to wha he says. Afaik, Greg has officially never bulked to get bigger. I think he said he...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @johm That’s true. As an example, things like needing to be in a caloric surplus to be able to actually build muscle is one that still confuses me. Every single fitness youtuber will claim that you should or need to be a caloric surplus to build muscle and ik this is only one persons...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @johm That’s fair enough. To be fair, a lot of people train hard and put in their effort in not the greatest of ways and still get results. Many people will be bench press with bad form for their whole lives and still have a great chest. His sort of training style doesn’t seem bad but it...
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    Austin Dunham's "BodyWeight BodyBuilder 2.0" Programme Review - Big Thumbs Down

    @born2shine Is he really on roids? Like genuine question. I feel like it’s easy to say he is but is that legit. I’ve seen loads of weighted calisthenic people just as big as him but he has very unique genetics