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  1. J

    Why am I so bad at running, but do well in other cardio related activities?

    @kmar123 Running is its own thing, like anything else. If you look at a marathon training program, you'll see maybe a day or two that can be set aside for cross-training but in general your prep just means running a lot. That's because it takes running to get better at running. So be easy on...
  2. J

    Form Check - Squat and Deadlift

    @cirix Squat - Looks a bit high at the bottom, either a flexibility issue or you're prematurely stopping yourself at or slightly above parallel. You should get some 'spring' coming out of the hole from your posterior chain before the quads take over. Without that the lift actually becomes harder...
  3. J

    Is doing 30 min cardio 3-4 times a week enough to see improvements?

    @ladyinjury1818 Short answer: yes! You may want to incorporate some long walks (starting with short walks!) in there, too, just to try to maybe simulate what it's going to be like to be on your feet for an extended amount of time. And never be afraid to say if something is too out of your...