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  1. R

    Just did 24.2. Gave it my all. Doing crossfit for 6 months. Did scaled.

    @user911 I did it RX and I still don’t have good double unders and I struggled through it. I ended up with a total score of 310. I’m probably gonna redo it Sunday because during the wod my jump rope broke at the handle and I had to go find another one really quick and of course it was too short...
  2. R

    Ugh. Didn’t complete the scaled version and feel like a failure

    @ilovejesus56129 You showed up. You gave it what you had to give and that’s what matters. Keep showing up and you’ll keep improving. And it’s awesome to see how far you come year to year. Don’t be discouraged and don’t ever give up. 171 is awesome!!! Great work brother!!
  3. R

    Your top 5 toughest xfit workouts

    @saraila Kalsu had me in tears and I almost quit that day. I did finish finally but I was completely wrecked.
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    Justin Mederios in powerlifting event

    @eeyore5 Wow, that is very serious strength!! It’s hard to imagine someone of his size being able to lift that heavy. not that he’s small but I mean that is some serious weight.
  5. R

    Disappointed with my 24.1 result

    @damj I’m 50 years old and 6ft tall. I weigh 220. I was able to finish in 12:14 RX and to be honest I don’t know what I could have done differently to shave any time. It was a fight for sure. Great work on your achievement!! There are more workouts coming 😬.