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  1. J

    [FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

    @toujoursla I was nervous about the casting when I first heard it, too. Which I realized long after is pretty unfair when Thor himself started out as a slender yoga man before he was cast.
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @discipleduchrist That's not how bodies work, man. A guy with a 315lb deadlift is not having trouble with his squats because he needs to eat more.
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    [FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

    @canadarose It's hard for me to imagine a woman who looks more sturdy and buff than Brooke Ence.
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @saurabhtopno42 Well, squats are hard. Deadlifts are hard, too, and you seem to be doing OK with them. There are a couple of things you could try depending on your goals with your training. One thing you could try is doing box squats. Basically it is just a squat where you sit on a box or...
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    [FLUFF] ‘Wonder Woman’ recruited actual athletes, fighters as powerful Amazonians

    @lake356 She clearly did not put on 17lb of muscle alone, which is totally fine, but movie press is never going to say an actress put on a bit of fat for a role unless it's more of a "Bridget Jones" type transformation. Anyway, if she had cut fat she probably would have looked smaller than they...
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    Squat numbers dont match

    @saurabhtopno42 I watched your video and your squats looked pretty easy and clean to me. You need to engage your mid back and get your head and chest up, but I think that's a separate issue. Subjectively, what feels like the problem to you when you're doing them? If I had to read your mind...