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  1. R

    Any fellow petites here lose weight without exercise? If so, drop your routine please!

    @chelsey423 UK here so cold and sometimes wet right now. I still always go out at lunch for a 20 min walk to get some fresh air and gets me out of the house (work from home). Gets me about 2500 steps. The rest i do all from home especially if the weather is particularly horrific. You might be...
  2. R

    Do you think your shoe size has a correlation with your ideal weight?

    @rotlex I’m 5’4”, 127lbs, with big boobs, however little UK size 4 feet and people always comment how tiny my hands are. I got called Skeletor once cos my hands are bony 😂 I definitely look more in proportion with my hands and feet now that I’ve dropped 25lbs. Before I was looking a little like...
  3. R

    Is it true a small amount of fat is more visible on petite people?

    @jesusisking1 I’m 5’4” and 127lbs and still have a belly. The rest of me is now tiny, but that belly is clinging on for dear life 😂. I’m hoping the last few pounds (my goal is 118 also) will make it poof and vanish 💥