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  1. R

    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @claudiav I used to count calories and it did become a little obsessive for me, and when I stopped I actually lost some weight! Now though, since I've used the scale the past couple of days.. I found out I was right. Time to eat more food!
  2. R

    12-Week Challenge: Week 5 Update

    @denice65 A few weeks ago I had commented about visiting family and devouring ALL the chocolate. This past weekend, I once again visited family - with the same tension and drama, mind you - and this time DID NOT EAT ALL THE CHOCOLATE! Hell to the yeahhhhh. I only had some of the chocolate peanut...
  3. R

    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @denice65 My deadlift is now at 175! :D Up 40 lbs from about three weeks ago. Just 25 lbs away from my goal. Now that I'm measuring food, I'm surprisingly feeling better.. I was way undereating, which is not usually the case for me. But now that I'm meeting my protein goal, life is a lot...
  4. R

    [12-Week Challenge] Week 6 and Quarter 2 Updates

    @lovefatedestiny That's awesome! You're right on track to meet your goal :)
  5. R

    [12-Week Challenge] Week 8 Update

    @denice65 All aboard the struggle bus... ugh, past two weeks have been a nightmare. Not to mention that I ate and drank just a little too much this past weekend, so I'm definitely feeling bloated. Going to get back on track, especially since where I work (and workout) is starting a new challenge...