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  1. D

    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @dawn16 Will try it out, thanks
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @tonemapped Hahaha, probably some body dismorphia aswell. But when I speak with others IRL they tend to agree that I dont look very wide. Thanks anyway.
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @mindfullofstatic I see, thank you so much man.
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @mindfullofstatic Might be. I guess I should up the volume for pullups then. You do them pronated, and how wide?
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @diancuk I dont want to lower my bf, haha. Thanks tho
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @sbrodhagen I will try this next pull session, thanks!
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @hylianhero9 I have been doing these the last month or so and will continue to them, thank you. #InLatPrayersWeTrust
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @joseph3561 Thank you very much, made me smile. This is not a «look at me post» tho, I just feel like the lats could have been better.
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @annsklan Nice work, thanks for sharing
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @imnotjokingwellnotmostly I did sumo deadlifts for almost a year and got up to 510 lbs. Stopped last year cuz I didn’t enjoy it anymore
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @geobezing I really appreciate your tips, thank you
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @12345 I have been trying out these lately too both at the start of the workout to «activate» the lats and sometimes to finish them at the end. I do feel a great connection with them
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @parrishchapel Thanks for the comment. The last maybe half a year ive been training like Mike and Jared from RP preach if You are familiar with them. I have also upped my volume on back by a ton because it seems like I can handle it, very rarely am I sore. Been implementing really slow...
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @edram I guess its the insertion point bothering me, yeah. I get comments IRL on how I dont look that wide (those who speaks dare to speak the truth). I have never been on bb misc, but you probably see where my username comes from, lol.
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

  16. D

    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @edram Hope this works lol, heres my upper body (idk how to pose properly)
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @edram Seems like I have to make a new post to post pics?
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @edram You are right. They are probably better than I think. I will try to post a pic, but never done it before.
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    Lagging lats after 7 years

    @benjaminthewolf Thank You so much, everything You write makes sense. I know they have to be pretty strong to have these lifts. I have no clue how to pose and tried the relaxed flex now and instantly saw them a bit more lol. I just think it sucks as I think a wide back is the most aesthetic...
  20. D

    Lagging lats after 7 years

    So I have been lifting for around 7 years (5 years seriously) and I have a pretty built body at 5’11, 205 lbs at around 15-17% bf with some visible abs and pretty happy overall with my physique. But my lats are almost non-existent. I have a long upper body so it probably plays a role but I...