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  1. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @tampachristian Not at the one I go to. You can find some pretty cheap on amazon seems to be the best bang for your buck. 5 pounds of this stuff will last me over a month. That's 2,300 grams of protein for about 22$.
  2. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @tampachristian I shop at trader joes, and for these meals, I can get away with about 40$ a week.
  3. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @tampachristian I'm pretty consistent with it during the week with the occasional forgetting to drink a 2nd protein shake or eat my second serving of seitan, mostly because it is easy and cheap. Weekends not so much it depends on how much social activities I do. Your choice to do protein powder...
  4. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @tampachristian By no means am I saying that this IIFYM spread is right for you. Find out what you can handle, what you like and then see if it gets you results. If it does, then great!
  5. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @dawn16 The medical problems thing is reference to my kidneys being able to handle 100+ grams of protein. Thank you for your kinds words.
  6. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    @dawn16 Is it necessary? Maybe not. Does it hurt? Probably not. I'm a young guy with no medical problems, and drink lots of water. It is filling so I don't eat in excess for carbs. Do whatever you are comfortable with, I liked the macros set up where it was 1g/pound for workout days, and I don't...
  7. B

    My sample meal plan: 150+g of protein and <1,900 kCal. Great food, easily meal planned

    Here is the breakdown of the basics of what I eat pretty much everyday. This does not include oils/fats, sauces, seasonings, and random additions which contribute to at least 200 calories. On a typical (maintenance day or cut day) I'll skip breakfast and eat my lunch: White rice with lentils...