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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @hol Congrats! Hope it went well :) Okay that's good to hear, definitely taking it on board and already ordering a huge tub of peanut butter to get me started haha. Any tips on good bulky things to eat? It's a fine line to tread - I can't deal with loads of food before a workout.
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @bkegler27 I'm doing a sprint - my running holds me back. I'm coming back from a steroid injection behind my kneecap that's held me back for years so I feel strong now, but I know that'll probably ease off! My runs are both intervals as they're recovery plans, so currently on 2 mins fast run, 1...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses Huh interesting! I thought the vit d helped with that but that's good to know! Also never knew that about those veggies too, how interesting. Thank you for the tips!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @samolub Yeah it's one of those things for me I can't handle. Alpro is pretty good now though and the lactofree range in the UK means I get enough choice. However quark (closer to cottage cheese I guess?) is fine. It's very annoying hahah.
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses Huh interesting! Those tablets are life saving but they don't stop the gas for me so I keep it for one offs. Lactose free milk still has calcium and all the benefits of milk so I use that. I take a calcium and vitamin d tablet every day, it was recommended to me after discovering...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses Thank you for this! So this is why I'm starting on a protein shake in the afternoon too. Sandwich is usually a tuna or ham so a little bit there too so spreading it out throughout the day. I'm lactose intolerant so can't benefit from the glory of Greek yoghurt haha. So have to...
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    Does anybody else have a certain weight that they get stuck on and it's so hard to break below? How do I get past it?

    @dawn16 So do you do the 10% surplus and then 10% decrease the day after? Or just a random few days of 10% higher / 10% lower? Interested in this cos I know refeeds do work but have never been able to apply it properly!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses Amazing thank you so much for all of your help, I really appreciate it! It's not til you lay it out in front of you that you see the patterns sometimes!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses Ah good that's a relief! I'm with you on the high fat, it just makes me feel rubbish so I listen to my body! So perhaps I need another protein source in the mornings and up my calories generally. I'm British so it changes every 30 seconds haha. But the last few weeks it's been...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @takkula Cor 14,500 steps is impressive!! Yes I definitely need to up the calories. I've been losing a tiny bit like 0.5lbs a week in the last month so I think if I add in 500-800 calories a day that might be what makes the difference!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @razel Yes so a run would usually burn 200-300 cals for me. Spin is around 600, my brick days are usually 700 active calories and then my burn without any activity is 1800 apparently. So on my big days I'm getting up to 2500 and I definitely eat more those days, but on a lower burn workout day...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @takkula So my Garmin reckons on a normal exercise day I'm burning about 2000-2200 and then on a big day it's about 2500. Do you eat at maintenance or above? Any tips for bulking out your food - especially in heat I struggle with loss of appetite.
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @susanedgar37 I'm 5 foot 9, weigh about 145lbs. A normal day of eating would be 1800 to 2000 calories - Porridge or Weetabix for breakfast Morning snack of fruit or some kind of bar Sandwich or soup with bread, and a bag of crisps for lunch. Afternoon snack of protein shake Banana pre...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @threecrosses As well as my above comment - Runs are both 20-30 minutes Both swim sessions are around 40mins Spin is 45 mins and the long cycle is about 70 minutes. For my background - I'm a swimmer before all others, cycling is pretty good and running is my weakest due to exercise induced...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @mauro Ahhhhh. Interesting because I've been getting random little bruises and thought this could be low iron related so that adds up!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @aarenlainey So I'm getting a good 8 or 9 hours a night. I get into bed at 10pm and am asleep by 11, and my alarm is 8am. I dont wake often in the night. I've always been a sleepy person, like I can't function at all on less than 7 hours. So I could ALWAYS have an afternoon nap haha. But maybe...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @anon103 Thank you so much! Yes I usually get a cliff bar or something in straight after, or even in-between for the brick workouts. Gels save my life so I definitely use those! Sometimes in my water bottle, sometimes just straight but they help a lot you're right. Thank you for your last...
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @melisa Thank you for this :) luckily I absolutely adore swimming and it's my complete zen time, nothing like getting in the flow of movement and forgetting everything else! But a good reminder. My partner suggested we do a yoga class on Friday night so I will make sure I take him up on that!!
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @sheamiao I was on holiday about 4 weeks ago in Wales. Still did some hikes/swim in the sea etc but it was definitely a recovery period. Are you thinking a deload week?
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    Feeling fatigued in the final 6 weeks before a triathlon - any nutritional or training advice?

    @tommy114 Thanks so much! Yeah we had a heatwave a few weeks back but it's cooled off. Keeping fingers crossed it's not toooo hot in early August! I've honestly loved it. It's a lot of effort but the reward matches it and there's some awesome communities around to support too!