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  1. R


    @breezer Buy the raw ingredients and combine them urself. That’s what I do. Caffeine pills, L-tyrosine, L citruline, anything u want in bulk on Amazon.
  2. R

    How do you respond (and deal with it internally) when someone asks you if you are “still lifting”?

    @kennycool I was looking big in a shirt within a year of bodybuilding late 10th grade. of course I had sports background and a bit higher bodyfat % but what I’m trying too get at here is I believe the middle ground too look big in a shirt is around 2-3 years instead of 5+.
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    Starting off. I need advice with getting motivated to go to the gym and what I should eat.

    @steliyanstoev Set realistic short term and long term fitness goals. Get milk and ground beef at Costco.